Electricity Consumption​ in pakistan

Select Your Electricity Distribution Company:
Appliances Rating Quantity Operational   Eelectric Consumed
  Watts No Days Hours kWh
Energy Saver Lights 24
LED Bulb 10
Tubelight 50
LED Tubelight 18
Spotlight 50
LED Spotlight 5
Appliances Rating Quantity Operational   Eelectric Consumed
  Watts No Days Hours kWh
Ceiling Fan 80
Exhaust Fan 60
Bracket Fan 60
Appliances Rating Quantity Operational   Eelectric Consumed
  Watts No Days Hours kWh
1 ton AC* 1500
1 ton Inverter AC 900
1.5 ton AC* 2000
1.5 ton Inverter AC 1200
2 ton AC 2500
2 ton Inverter AC 1500
Appliances Rating Quantity Operational   Eelectric Consumed
  Watts No Days Hours kWh
Conventional fridge (12-15 cubic ft.) 180
Inverter Fridge 90
Deep Freezer 150
Appliances Rating Quantity Operational   Eelectric Consumed
  Watts No Days Hours kWh
Computer with all accessories 200
Laptop 40
Laser Printer 450
Inkjet Printer 80
Appliances Rating Quantity Operational   Eelectric Consumed
  Watts No Days Hours kWh
Electric Iron 1000
Water Dispenser 100
Washing Machine 900
Toaster 1000
Microwave Oven 1200
Grinder/Juicer 400
Coffee/Tea-maker 1000
Heater 1500
Pump-motor (1 HP) 750
Slab Total Units Electricity Cost
0 0 0
Total Bill (Including 17% GST) 0
*FPA,PTV FEE and all other taxes are excluded
Current total units consumed (kWh) 0
Energy saved by using energy efficient appliances (kWh) 0
Savings in Percentage 0
Electricity Slab Rate
Slab Unit Consumed Unit Price
kWh Rs/kWh
1 1-100 13.48
2 101-200 18.95
3 201-300 22.14
4 301-400 25.53
5 401-500 27.74
6 501-600 29.16
7 601-700 30.30
8 Above 700 Units 35.22